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In January 2016, AFD China’s participated in the “Need A Hand” project to make donation to the sick and disabled children in Pingdingshan city, Henan province.

In January 2016, AFD China participated in the “Need A Hand” public welfare project, which allows artists to use their expertise to do good for the sick and disabled children in Pingdingshan city, Henan province. For example, artists can offer their art works for charity sale, where the revenue will be used for the treatment and care of sick and disable children. AFD China bought several paintings from this event and at the same time raised money for the treatment and living costs of the children. We also encourage our employees and customers to contribute to charity.
In February and March 2016, we again purchased more than a dozen pieces of the art works from the public welfare project. The money has been used to help children with disabilities to start treatment and medical care.
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