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CNIPA Clarifies Local Branches' Missions in Handling Oversea IP Disputes

The General Office of the China's National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) recently issued the Working Rules for Local Branches of the National Oversea IP Dispute and Guidance Center (trial) as well as the Performance Evaluation Rules for Local Branches of the National Oversea IP Dispute and Guidance Center (trial), in a bid to beef up guidance of oversea IP disputes.

Per the Working Rules, local branches are established with the approval from the CNIPA, offering not-for-profit services to companies in dealing with oversea IP disputes. Their missions are collecting and reporting information of disputes, guiding companies to resolve disputes, offering training on risk prevention and control, coordination of resources available for dealing with disputes.

Last April, based on the principle of voluntary application, CNIPA certified the first group of ten local branches.


Source: CNIPA

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