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AFD China Awarded the Contributor Most Read In China of April 2018 by Mondaq

We are honoured to share the good news that, up till now, AFD China beat off strong competition and is awarded the “Contributor Most Read” in China twice by Mondaq.

These awards indicates that, in April and September 2018, articles wrote by AFD China is read most by the registered business readers of Mondaq. Click here to redirect to the award pages:

http://www.mondaq.com/content/awards.asp?id=A0DA77D1-AF2E-45D9-A62A-888133B660A9  http://www.mondaq.com/content/awards.asp?id=E964DFDA-372E-43CB-A60B-2154FAAB28B3

Mondaq is one of the world's most comprehensive online resources of professionals' expertise and knowledge. AFD China constantly provides insights and analysis in relation to intellectual property matters to Mondaq and its readers across over 80 countries.

For articles recently written by us, please refer to the following link: http://afdip.com/index.php?ac=article&at=list&tid=57

We are happy to win this award and will go no writing good and useful articles for readers around the world in the future.

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