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In March 2017, AFD China offered free intellectual property services to small and medium enterprises and individuals to help them with further development


With the intellectual property protection system becomes more mature and perfect in China, the awareness of intellectual property protection of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) also improves. In order to support the development of SMEs, AFD China has been offering preferential fee and even free service to SMEs in our best ability.

AFD China filed trademark registration for SMEs for free, where 4 of the trademark has received the registration certificate now.

AFD China is also committed to helping individual applicants in patent filings. In the first quarter of 2017, AFD China has helped with two patent applications – one for invention and one for utility model – in the name of individual applicant.

Through such a way, we hope to help SMEs and individuals in their business and technology developments and have innovations obtain the necessary protection.

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